Tips on Nose Hair Removal - ulikeofficial

Tips on Nose Hair Removal

Imagining long nasal hair on any character is one of the most ridiculous and embarrassing pictures you will ever have in your consciousness!

It would baffle anyone to acknowledge that something that should serve as your nasal shield can sometimes begin to exceed its boundaries and taint your facial look.

But while it is an embarrassing state for most people, especially women, we should also remember the original purpose of nose hairs before deciding on how to handle it.

First off, the hairy nature of our nostrils is made like that to prevent harmful debris out of our lungs and also regulate moisture in the air we breathe.

If your nose hairs are beginning to protrude and attain a certain visibility on your face, the urge to get rid of them is quite understandable. But, there are a few things to note on your quest to remove nose hair. In this article, we’ll explore some tips on practicing the perfect nose hair removal method, other than plucking them out. For example, we have:

Manual Trimming – If you’re ever going to consider removing nose hair, manual trimming should be added to your list of options.

It involves the use of small-sized scissors with blunt or round edges. The nature of this tool will help fit into your nostrils and prevent you from nicking the walls of your nose, while you gently trim the excess hairs.

A few tips on practicing this option include:

  • Using clean scissors that have been dedicated to removing facial hairs
  • Blowing the nose occasionally while trimming, to remove any particles resting on the hair.
  • Making use of a clean mirror to get a clear and detailed view of things.
  • Finding a good place with better lighting and exposure.
  • Lastly, consider positioning your head back, as it will enhance the visibility of what you’re doing.

Electrical Trimming – This is another trimming option that involves the use of a handheld device with a small and rotating blade at one end.

Anyone new to this device may be forced to believe that you’ll be exposing the nose to possible injuries from using this electrical trimmer. But that is far from the case.

You’ll find the blade sitting inside a plastic or metal case that prevents it from reaching the skin directly.

There’s also a small opening in this guard that’s responsible for cutting longer hairs that goes into it. This makes the whole trimming process easy and faster to use. In case it is the option you wish to try, here are a few tips for you:

  • For the sake of good hygiene, you should own a personal electric trimmer.
  • It is advisable to purchase the device from a good pharmacy or local drugstore.
  • While trimming your nose hairs, consider using a magnifying mirror that will reflect clear details of the process.
  • Blow your nose as frequently as possible to help eliminate mucus and loose hairs.
  • During the process, try to place the trimmer close to the skin.
  • Cut only the hairs that are visible to you and save the rest for nose filters.

Laser hair removal – The use of laser hair devices is a safe option for removing facial hairs, and that includes nose hairs. They target hairs that are visibly protruding by beaming up laser lights that destroy hair follicles right from the root.

In this article, we’ll be highly recommending the powerful and efficient Ulike IPL laser device for a luxurious and smooth experience. However, please note that the IPL hair removal method cannot be used for nose hair removal.

Unlike trimming, the Ulike laser hair removal offers the long-lasting solution you seek for that problematic facial hair that has been on your mind. For that, you will need at least a number of 4 treatment sessions, to achieve the maximum result.

Below are a few tips to consider, if this is the method that resonates with you:

  • If you’re a newbie in laser hair treatments, you could consider the services of a dermatologist or a cosmetic surgeon.
  • You should practice good personal hygiene by using Ulike laser device that is specifically for you.
  • Repeat the nose hair removal treatment every 2 weeks, for 4 consecutive times.
  • During the removal process, remember to blow your nose at intervals to let go of particles and loose hairs.
  • You should also focus on the parts that are visible to you and never attempt to eliminate too many hairs.


There are terrible hair removal techniques to avoid when you start thinking to remove nose hairs. For example:

  • Waxing and plucking – The use of tweezers and nose hair removal wax is definitely something to never consider. You should completely avoid any removal methods that require you to aggressively pull the hairs of your nose, straight from the root.      These measures will either lead you to damage some sensitive tissues in your nostrils, cause you irritating ingrown hairs, or even inflict some injuries that will be open to bacterial infections.


  • The use of depilatory creams – The nose is a very sensitive part of the body that doesn’t need the application of chemicals. The use of hair removal creams may result in burning the internal mucous membrane and the delicate skin in the nostrils.

You will also be exposing your health to danger because the chemicals may likely generate toxic fumes that can easily be inhaled through breathing.

  • The use of sharp-edged scissors – As we may know, a person can easily puncture the delicate mucous membranes of the nostrils by trimming his nose hairs with sharp point scissors. When this happens, it could either lead to infection or bring you excruciating pain that would have easily been avoided.

So, it is best to steer clear of sharp-edged scissors when practicing nose hair removal.


No one ever wants to witness the hilarious case of an over-grown nose hair. But on the quest to eliminate these things, remember that the nose still needs hair and save it a little.

Engaging in safer nose hair removal is always worthwhile. With everything we’ve mentioned above, your confidence will mold back in shape and you’ll avoid the danger of losing your nose hairs completely!

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